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Journey Towards Zero Waste

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Sustainable future….

The Morarjee Textiles means sustainable air, water, earth, environment, health, education, business, jobs etc.

The Morarjee Textiles has integrated sustainability into the established integrated Management System. We are committed to prevention and control of water wastage, air and land pollution. To create a road map for this initiative, we have developed the “Environment Policy".

The Morarjee Textiles strives to minimize the negative impact on the environment by applying innovative thinking to every step of manufacturing process.

Building Eco-friendly practices in daily processes is a part of our culture. This culture inspires us to try to make more from fewer resources and minimize waste in every form. We attempt to contribute to a better environment by reducing water consumption, minimizing wastage and using renewable energy resources over conventional ones.

We take corporate responsibility as a way of life and aim to achieve Zero waste in next 10 years.

Textile Business

Being responsible stewardship of biodiversity of land, soil, air and water, we use BCI cotton which require 14% less water & 23% less pesticides and also use Organic cotton as per customer requirements

BCI Cotton Consumes 14% Less Water And 23% Less Pesticides

Conservation of Water Resource

We have identified and implemented ways to reuse and recycle water and to minimize our water footprints. Our water conservation and Recycling initiatives have helped us to lower our dependence on water resources.

We are continuously working to improve our water efficiency and have metering systems across the water distribution network. Our team regularly monitors the metering system.

Water Saving

“USING WATER EFFICIENTLY is directly proportional to WATER SAVINGS".

The MTL has developed a culture of saving Water a Nature Resource by

  • Conserving natural resources like Water, Fuel and Electricity as a part of Our Environment Policy
  • Involvement of all employees to save water and made a dedicated team to achieve it.
  • Adopted Equipment Changes, high-efficiency plumbing fixtures, appliances and other equipment yield substantial savings on water.

Effective Steps for Water Saving being taken in Morarjee Textiles.

  • Each machine operator has been trained to optimize utilization of water,
  • Machine cooling water is recovered from .Bruckner, Yamuna Jiggers (03 Nos.), Mazzera washer, Mercerizer, Soft flow.
  • Creating awareness about draining and flushing during changeover from dark shade to light shade, such that unnecessary flushing doesn't happen
  • In Sanforiser, the water required to cool the blanket is now being collected through and is reused in the process.
  • Condensate recovery is done in all process machines and condensate Recovery pump is installed..

This has resulted in water saving of 12.2 % less water intake from MIDC.in FY18. No additional water is taken from MIDC even when after increased plant capacity in FY17

Water intake from MIDC MLD/Annum

12.2 % less water intake from MIDC in FY 2018

Water Recharging

We are focused on recharging maximum rain water in to the ground , We have set up Rain Water Harvesting Systems (RWHS) within our premises. Rain water is directed from roof tops through channels and then collected in a collection pit with filter and water is recharged into the ground through bore holes.

Wastewater Re-Use

1 The textile industry is inherently water intensive and therefore wastewater generation is considerably high.
Morarjee Textiles has set up Zero Liquid Discharge Plant ( ETP & RO ) of State of Art technology {Capacity 1400 KLD} to make wastewater reusable and recyclable.

Biological Effluent Treatment Plant

Reverse Osmosis Plant

Zero Liquid Discharge Plant 1400 KLD

2 Morarjee Textiles also set up a new STP 200 m3 per day capacity based on Constructed Wet Land Process. It is again a new technology and does not consume any power and its treated water is used for Gardening and flushing.

3 In addition, we have constructed a big u/g storage tank of 2500 KL capacity to collect cooling water from process machines for recirculation and also collect subsoil rain water.

Sewage Treatment Plant 200KLD
(Constructed Wet Land Technology)


Energy conservation implies reducing energy consumption at the organizational level. Energy conservation differs from efficient energy use, which refers to using less energy for a constant service.

Morarjee Textiles has undertaken a number of measures to reduce energy consumption.

State of Art machines are installed in FY 17 in spinning, Weaving and Process, which consume very less energy.

Fully Automation of Utility Engineering Equipment

  • LUWA Humidification ------------------DG5 Control
  • Boiler & Thermopac --------------------SCADA System
  • HYDROTECH make ETP & RO -------- SCADA System
  • Centrifuge Compressor 3 stages --- Most energy efficient

Other important Energy Saving Initiatives taken FY17 and FY18

  • Installation of distribution transformers at optimum locations
  • Replacement of rewound motors with energy efficient motors
  • Optimization of compressed air consumption
  • Installation of APFC panels
  • Installation of VFD´s for H-Plant fans -impacts saving of 55600 KWH/Annum
  • Installation of LED lights all across the plant, offices, on streets - impacts saving of 1.52 Lac KWH/Annum
  • Reduction of speed of main air fan at blow room and carding AWES (Automatic Waste Evacuation System, impacts saving of 2.30 Lacs KWH/Annum.

Morarjee Textiles Initiatives for Protection and Restoration of the Environment

We have Environment Policy, Quality Policy, Health and Safety Policy in Morarjee Textiles, which extends to all the manufacturing units of Ashok Piramal Group.

Climate change, global warming and environmental degradation pose unique challenges as well as opportunities for Morarjee Textiles. We are continually investing in new technologies, implementing process improvements and innovating.

  • Recycling of waste water discharge from process usage through ETP, RO, MEE system and use it again in process.
  • Use of treated water from STP for gardening & flushing.
  • Disposal of hazardous solid waste generated at MPCB to authorized disposal facility only
  • Rain Water Harvesting
    • Rain water from Unit 3 spinning shed is directed through drains to a Bore and ground water is recharged.
    • Construction of 2500 KL tank for collection of ground water and rain water for reuse.

Bag Filters and Cyclone Dust Collector for Boilers & Thermopack Chimneys

  • All the boiler fuel gases are passed through the bag filter and cyclone dust collector units.

Morarjee Textiles has facilities for proper management of e-waste, spent oil and sludge. All these hazardous elements are stored & maintained properly and sold to authorized dealer for recycling & disposing.

Tree Plantations

We aim to enrich the local ecosystem, contribute to biodiversity and offset our carbon footprint by creating forests, step by step

  • PLANTATIONS - Plantation and greenery developed all across the plant.
  • Total 10000 sapling planted in last three years.

Green House Gas Emission

Electrical and Thermal energy conservation measures and efficient running of the machines resulted in reduction in GHG emissions.

We have reduced the GHG footprint up to 9.6% by reducing our energy consumption and fuel consumption. Carbon foot prints tons CO2 equivalent is reduced from 23.56 to 21.3.

Carbon Foot Prints TOE/TON

Initiatives to Reduce Chemical Consumptions

We use the right chemicals judiciously and responsibly. It is our constant effort to find substitutes that have a smaller impact on environment.

In Printing & Process

  • Started using reactive dyes of high fixation which results lower consumption for same depth of shade. High Fixation dyes have better colour fastness and can be achieved in one wash instead of two washes and results water saving also.
  • Dues dosing is reduced by 50% by use of better quality dye fixer from Huntsman and doses.
  • Started using High density Polyethylene Emulsions from Archroma and doses are reduced to 20 gpl against 60 gpl with previous chemical.
  • During Pre-treatment in Jigger, we started using a new Enzyme from CRODA (DZEN) and applying in single stage only. Earlier we were using enzyme in two stages, thus resulted into saving water and energy.


  • At ETP chemical consumption is reduced by 50% by performing frequent Jar test to optimize chemical doses.

Awareness Programs

Environment week, safety week, Water saving week, Energy Conservation week are celebrated every year which includes various activities like Tree plantation, Drawing competition, slogan competition, Quiz competition, Safety pledge, Blood donation etc.

Other noble causes are awareness of menace of drugs, Gutkha and periodic visit of doctors for check-up teeth, eyes, health and HIV awareness etc. in factory premises for welfare of employees.

Sustainability Development

CSR activities under Urvi Ashok Piramal Foundations.